Honors Placement

Northern Valley Requirements for Placement Into Ninth Grade Honors Sections

Selected students are eligible for placement in Northern Valley High School Honors classes.

LA English I Honors
All students recommended for Honors placement must (a) have the recommendation of the elementary district selection committee, (b) demonstrate a solid work ethic, (c) exhibit strong motivation, (d) be independent workers, and (e) participate fully in class discussions and activities.

Students must also have:
Minimum A- average in 7th grade Language Arts and A- average during marking periods 1 and 2 of 8th grade Language Arts;

In addition, students must meet one of the following criteria:

  • CRT Writing Sample in grade 8, with a minimum score of 5 on the 6 point rubric.
  • Advanced Proficient score on the 7th grade NJ Language Arts Literacy assessment (as determined by the Northern Valley), or Terra Nova Language and Reading Scores in the 9th Stanine each.

WCH World Civilization Honors
All students recommended for Honors placement must
(a) have the recommendation of the elementary district selection committee,
(b) demonstrate a solid work ethic
(c) exhibit strong motivation
(d) be independent workers
(e) participate fully in class discussions and activities.

Students must also have:
A- average in 7th grade Social Studies and A- average during marking periods 1 and 2 of 8th grade Social Studies;

In addition, students must meet two of the following criteria:

  • Advanced Proficient score on the 7th grade NJ Language Arts Literacy assessment,
  • Teacher recommendation for both World Civilization Honors and English Honors.
  • CRT Writing Sample in Grade 8 with a minimum score of 5 on the 6 point rubric.

geometry 9th Grade Geometry Honors
All students recommended for Honors placement must have (a) the recommendation of the elementary district selection committee, (b) demonstrate a solid work ethic, (c) exhibit strong motivation, (d) be independent workers, and (e) participate fully in class discussions and activities.
Students must also have:

  • An average of A- or better for each of the first two marking periods of Algebra I;

In addition, students must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Advanced Proficient score on the 7th grade state mathematics assessment
  • A minimum score of 90% on the Algebra I mid-year examination

9th Grade Biology I Honors ls
All students recommended for Honors placement must have (a) the recommendation of the elementary district selection committee, (b) demonstrate a solid work ethic, (c) exhibit strong motivation, (d) be independent workers, and (e) participate fully in class discussions and activities.
Students must also have:

  • An A- average for 7th grade Science and an A-average during marking periods 1 and 2 of 8th grade Science;

In addition students must meet two of the following criteria:

  • Advanced Proficient score on the 7th grade state science assessment.
  • A minimum score of 90% on the Grade 7 Science CRT (as determined by the Northern Valley).
  • Pre-Algebra grade should be a B or higher in grade 7 and a B or higher for marking periods 1 and 2 in Algebra in 8th grade.

Level 2 Spanish, French, or Italian Honors languages
All students recommended for Honors placement must have

(a) the recommendation of the elementary district selection committee

(b) demonstrate a solid work ethic

(c) exhibit strong motivation

(d) be independent workers

(e) participate fully in class discussions and activities.

Students must also have:

  • A minimum A-average in marking periods 1 and 2 of 8th grade World Language

In addition, students must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Active oral participation
  • A minimum score of 90% on the World Language CRT Assessment
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